Making brands move

Vitality - V-HIVE

The time has come for V.Hive to expand
beyond the physical world


V.Hive is the headquarters of Team Vitality and a major hub for esports in Paris (cybercafé, shop, events, tournaments, master classes, conferences, etc.). V.Hive is now aiming to become the premier support-on-earn system in esports for the widest audience possible, with a free and
easy to understand platform opening new fan experiences and opportunities. V.Hive will bring together all fans on one platform to support the Team Vitality project. Each fan will be officially certified and will have a role to play in helping to grow the hive. To achieve this goal, Vitality is in need of strong visual storytelling to communicate each step of their roadmap.


It’s time for V.Hive to reunite all the bees in a single decentralised ecosystem, a futuristic Neo-Paris universe where they will be able to join forces from all over the world as a single swarm, working together to support Team Vitality in reaching its ambitious goals. Based on this story, NOBL imagined and produced a complete visual universe through which to recount the adventures of the V.Hive Blockchain. Over the course of the project roadmap, we created a wide range of content including posts, loops, teasers and statics in order to spread the story on social networks and ensure consistency across all platforms.


Production & Direction Creative :

Direction Artistique & Lead Animation :
Thibault Zeller & Jonathan Plesel

Composition musicale :
Alexis Dehimi

Vitality :
Directeur Créatif : Christophe Dureau
Responsable Communication : Cyril Delon

Design Personnage & Oeuf :
Paul Lacolley

Modelisation 3D Personnage :
Ethan Steven

Design Graphique :
Dylan Levionnois


The V.Hive Pass is the first key to enter the V.Hive project, the proof that you were there at the very beginning, your ticket to exclusive utilities and advantages for the platform launch as a Genesis holder. It should be inserted in the egg, like a key

V.Hive eggs
Foraging on their own or as a group under a single banner, in order to take over the esports world - and more!

EA Games

Knockout City official trailer